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Post PSLE: Choosing A Secondary School

You probably would have already heard that PSLE results will be released next Thursday, 22 November 2018. We understand how arduous it can be in choosing the right secondary school within one week. It is therefore crucial to gather as much information as you need before shortlisting the schools. Don’t know where to start? Let ...

Fostering Good Habits from Young

Growing up, we start to realize that most habits (good or bad) developed from our childhood remains and are difficult to change. Likewise, it is challenging to adopt new habits. So then, what are some good habits that we should cultivate in our child from young? Good reading and writing habits A teenager today typically ...

What’s Your Personality Type?

We are all constantly on a journey of learning more about ourselves everyday. Interacting with friends, meeting new people and working with others helps us to realise that we all have a unique personality, just like our fingerprint. Do you wonder what are your strength and weaknesses? Or how you actually work in a group? ...

Make Learning a Fun & Independent Process

In September 2018, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced progressive changes to be made to the Primary and Secondary education system over the next 3 years. Shortly after these changes were announced, some tuition centres responded that they would fill in the gap by offering simulated-exam like conditions for students to address the parents' anxieties. ...

Parenting Right: Long-term Well-being for Your Child

It is naturally instinctive for every parent to want the best for their children. Especially prevalent in society today, peer pressure, FOMO (fear of missing out), easy accessibility to enrichment, tuition and other forms of extracurricular activity have led to parents jam-packing their child’s daily schedule. However, according to psychological studies, children with overly-controlling parents ...

3 Tips on Tackling PSLE Stress

In merely two weeks, the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) commences for all Primary 6 students. As students encounter their first major examination, the pressure of performing well and getting into their dream school is surely daunting to any child. What are ways to help alleviate your child’s stress during this crucial period? Encourage your child ...

5 Types of Wholesome Food: Snacking the Right Way

As the end-of-year examinations approaches, including major national examinations such as PSLE and O-levels, students may find themselves snacking more than usual. How is it possible for students to snack healthily? Here are 5 bite-size tips to help you choose healthier snacks while studying. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, pistachios and walnuts not only has ...

Have you tried out our new Assessment feature?

To enhance the learning experience for your child, we are introducing a new assessment feature for Primary 1-6 English, Math and Science. It contains over 1000 MCQ Questions of different topics and difficulty levels for your child to attempt on-the-go. They can attempt the questions ...

Studying Smart: 5 Tips to Study More Effectively

Have you ever been told that you need to study smart? Or do you constantly wonder how are you going to catch up while lagging behind in your studies? You may be pondering over what studying smart actually means. Here, we explore 5 key points to help you study smart and to perform better ...