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5 Proven Tips To Ace The PSLE’s Listening Comprehension Exam

It is officially less than a month before the PSLE’s Listening Comprehension examination for both English and Mother Tongue languages. The Listening Comprehension test is all about testing the student’s ability to listen well, identify the key ideas of the passages that are read to them, and infer and apply those concepts when answering the ...

5 Secret Ingredients to Writing a Good Chinese Compo

For many secondary school students in Singapore, writing a Chinese essay can be a daunting task. However, with a little preparation and practice, it is possible to produce a well-written essay that will impress the examiners. If your child is aiming to score well in Chinese composition, here are a few tips to get them ...

Top 4 Time Management Problems for Students (With Solutions!)

As the new school semester starts, your child may find themselves under increasing pressure to complete their revision and prepare for their year-end exams. One of the most important things for students to do is manage their time wisely. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. It is common for some students to try ...

5 Ways to Condense Notes for Secondary Science Revision

When it comes to science revision, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Some students prefer to read through and highlight their textbooks, while others prefer to do secondary school test papers. However, one of the most effective ways to revise for science exams is to take detailed notes. The process of writing down key information helps ...

5 Tips to Increase Your Child’s Interest in Primary School Science

Science is a fascinating subject that can open up a whole new world of discovery for your child. Some children are naturally curious about the things around them and will be interested in seeking out answers to their questions. Others need a little more encouragement to develop an interest in science. If your primary school ...

How to Encourage Your Child to Ask Questions in Class

Asking questions is a vital part of the learning process. It allows students to clarify their understanding of a concept, and it also encourages them to think critically about what they are being taught. When your child asks questions, it gives the teacher an opportunity to explain the concept in a different way or to ...

How To Do Mental Math Fast From Primary School Onwards

During exams, time is often of the essence. In order to avoid running out of time during exams, it is important to be able to do calculations quickly with accuracy. This is where mental math comes in handy. Mental math is simply the process of doing calculations in your head, without the use of a ...

Secondary School Biology, Chemistry or Physics: Which to Take?

Towards the end of Secondary 2, your child will need to decide if they want to take Biology, Physics and/or Chemistry in upper secondary levels. They will also need to choose between pure science and combined science as part of their subject combination.  Difference between pure science and combined science For some, science can be ...

Why is Highlighting Important in Revision?

When it comes to studying, everyone has their own unique method that works best for them. While some students prefer to read through their notes multiple times or work on assessment books and practice papers, others may find that highlighting helps them to focus and process information more effectively.  What is the effect of highlighting? ...