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4 Productive Study Break Tips To Refresh The Mind

As the O-Level examinations are well underway, we can guess that many students are burning the midnight oil as they prepare for the other papers. While revisions allow students to brush up on a subject’s content, there is a fine line between studying effectively and over-studying. Contrary to what some people may believe, long hours ...

Continue Learning During The School Holidays With These Activities

The school holidays are finally here. It is time for families to get together and relax after a hectic year and for students to unwind and take a break from studying. Aside from travelling overseas, families can attend one of the many events, camps, and activities hosted throughout Singapore during the year-end holidays. While your ...

How To Decide Between Pure Science Or Combined Science

In just a month’s time, 2022 will come to a close. This means that a new school year is fast approaching, signalling both students and parents to prepare by establishing new routines or getting any school supplies sorted out. If your child is progressing  to Secondary 3 in 2023, you have more to look forward ...

Cramming For O’ Level Exams? Here Are Some Last-Minute Revision Tips

Last-minute revision has its pros and cons. For students who have fully grasped the material and feel ready to sit for the exam, last-minute revision can help them brush up on their knowledge and feel more confident. On the other hand, last-minute revision can be ineffective for students who have to catch up on their ...

4 Ways Your Child Can Unwind During The PSLE Marking Days

Congratulations! After six years of hard work, your child has finally completed their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). This means it is time for them to unwind and recharge, and what better time to do that than during the PSLE Marking Days?  The PSLE Marking Days are essentially a four-day period during which teachers are ...

How To Guarantee An A1 For Maths

Maths is arguably one of the most polarising subjects. Some students love Maths and enjoy solving mathematical problems, while others struggle to understand Maths and thus dislike studying it. The latter group may find Maths to be challenging due to the fact that Maths is generally an abstract concept. Unlike Biology, History, or other subjects ...

Tips To Score Well In Biology Without Pure Memorisation

Biology is one of the most interesting subjects in our educational system. From learning about human anatomy to understanding the complexity of all living things, Biology allows us to be aware of our world and the environment around us. As such, it would not be surprising that your child has chosen to undertake Biology as ...

Junior College Or Polytechnic? Where To Go After O-Levels?

It is the age-old question: Junior College or Polytechnic? Back in the day, the consensus was that taking the A-Levels was the only route to a University degree. However, times have changed, and students are increasingly taking unconventional paths to further their education. With more and more educational paths open to students, it may not ...

How To Write Engaging Introductions For English Compositions

Many students fear the English Composition examination, especially when they are not too strong in their language skills and lack vocabulary knowledge. While everyone should know by now that reading is arguably the most effective way to boost one’s language ability, it is not an overnight solution. If your child is struggling to score high ...

4 Ways To Support Your Child And Get Them Ready For The PSLE

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a major educational milestone that all students in Singapore must go through. Established in 1960 by Yong Nyuk Lin, then Minister of Education, the PSLE was designed to measure students’ understanding of key concepts in multiple subjects. Despite the PSLE having undergone many modifications since its inception, it ...