With little natural resources to rely on, we are our very own assets and it is not difficult to comprehend the important role that the education system has played (and is still playing) in Singapore’s rapid growth. As we celebrate Singapore’s 54th year of independence, let us look back in history at the milestone changes in ...
Do you, at times, feel that Singapore’s education system is taking a toll on you and your child? The PSLE is undoubtedly one of the first major hurdles that local children will have to face and overcome. We know that scores are necessary to benchmark the learning efforts a student has made during his or ...
PSLE is just around the corner (in a month’s time!), so here is some useful information to keep your child in check and to set target scores based on the cut-off points (COPs) of the last secondary school intake. On a side note, it is important to be mindful that besides COPs and how the ...
It came to our awareness that yet another individual by the name of Ong Bee Tin had infringed our copyright and our rights in the registered Trade Mark by using recordings of our video lessons that were obtained from an unauthorised source for her own commercial purpose. We have since taken legal action against her ...
“Reading is to the Mind what Exercise is to the Body” We are in the midst of the June School Holidays and there’s no better opportunity for your child to spend some quiet and quality time with a good book. Besides opening doors to new information and different cultures/places, reading also helps your child to ...
Mr Gan ordered 45 pots of plants to decorate the corridor for a school concert. They were to be placed in a straight row from one end to the other end of the corridor at an equal spacing of 1.2m apart. On the day of the concert, Mr Gan was short of 11 pots of ...
Importance of Physical Activity In today’s digital age, kids (and adults, too) are likely to spend their free time glued to screens instead of engaging in outdoor play and activities. This results in a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to weight gain and a slew of health problems in later life. In fact, having insufficient physical ...
Stress is one of the inevitable and common issues faced by students, especially in this increasingly competitive society where achieving academic excellence is generally perceived to be the ticket for an individual to become successful in life (and be the pride and joy of his or her parents). The importance of test/examination grades is thus ...
As an educator for many years, I have always received the same response from parents, "Isn't oral examination about talking? What's there to teach the children?" Well, it is indeed true to a certain extent. However, students may not perceive it as an easy task ...
Recently, my daughter just sat for her school's Science assessment paper and she scored 15 out of 20. She handed me her paper and then asked me this question with a tinge of innocence, "Is this considered good?" I was taken aback. Why did she ask me this question? Have I been too hard on ...