Communication is just the exchange of words to convey information, right? Well… Yes, but effective communication requires a strategy and it can be especially tricky when you are a parent trying to strike a balance between being a disciplinarian and playing a supportive role when interacting with your child. Communication is a two-way traffic and it ...
Amidst the ongoing festivities and celebrations, take this quiz to find out how much you really know about the Spring Festival. You may even learn something new about the tradition and practices surrounding Chinese New Year ...
As we welcome 2020 and head into a brand new year, let us take a moment to recap and look back at some of the biggest education news of 2019. Language Elective Program (LEP) First announced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in May 2019, the current Language Elective Program (LEP) will be further expanded ...
PSLE is over and it is now time to prepare your child (and yourself!) for secondary school. Entering a new environment and being surrounded by new faces can be quite an overwhelming experience for anyone, let alone a child. So, here are some tips to help your child cope and settle well during his or ...
We are halfway through the December school holidays and we hope that your child has been getting his or her well-deserved rest. After all the fun and games, it is a good idea to start hitting the books before school reopens. Here’s a curated list of recommended reads to get your child started! Lower Primary ...
What do you think is the appropriate age for a child to own a personal cellphone? According to a global survey conducted by Google earlier this year, children in Singapore are some of the youngest in the world to receive their first ever mobile device at the average age of 8 (compared to the global average ...
By now, you probably would have known or heard about the Subject-Based Banding (SBB) system that will soon replace the current streaming system in secondary schools. If not, well, here’s the lowdown on it. The current system Secondary school students are allocated to three different streams based on their PSLE scores. They can only take ...
“How can I help my child to improve his/her English other than encouraging him/her to read more?” Well, reading will definitely support your child’s language development and this is something your child has to continue doing. Besides reading, you can also teach your child some other techniques that may help him/her to perform better during examinations. ...
The PSLE Listening Comprehension Examinations will be held soon on 20th September 2019 (more PSLE dates here). They form Paper 3 for both English and mother tongue, and are weighted at 10%. Although relatively easy to score in, they are still a crucial component of the PSLE not to be overlooked. The ability to listen well is a ...
Our island state is facing the threat of rising sea levels due to global warming and we are running out of landfill space. These environmental problems are part of an ongoing social issue that affects every one of us. We all know what the 3 R’s are, but have you been actively reducing, recycling and re-using Earth’s resources? ...