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Category: About us

Superstar Teacher Celebrates Students’ Achievements with Revamped Online Feature

As an industry leader for online learning in Singapore, Superstar Teacher’s learning platform makes use of quality strategy-based teaching and innovative features to make learning fun and interesting for primary and secondary-level students. Superstar Teacher has revamped their “Achievements” feature to make learning an enjoyable experience for students and celebrate their academic achievements. Students can ...

Why Do Some Children Shine Brighter Than Others?

Learning is so much more than just recalling information and performing well in examinations. Going beyond the imparting of content knowledge, we also endeavour to help our students develop a positive attitude towards learning and get them to see the joy and understand the value of education. Here’s how Superstar Teacher enables your child to ...

How Can Your Child Learn Better With Superstar Teacher?

As the academic year comes to an end, it is a good idea to spend some time reflecting on your child’s learning journey this year. If your child has been underperforming in school, figuring out the way to get your child to learn better most probably has crossed your mind. In that case, Superstar Teacher ...

Parent Portal: Helping You Stay Connected with Your Child

If you are a Superstar Teacher subscriber, you probably are aware that we now have separate accounts for our students and their parents. This feature was introduced recently at the beginning of the year with the aim to make learning the key focus for our students while enabling parents to be involved in their children’s ...

Save Time and Foster Independent Learning

Living in a fast-paced world, time is definitely one of the limiting factors for many of the activities that we do or intend to do. In the last of our series, let us look at how Superstar Teacher is able to help save time for the family while enabling your child to take charge of ...

Flexible and Stress-Free Learning

School-related stress is not uncommon among students and having an additional layer of academic stress outside of school may not be what you want for your child. In the third of our series, find out how Superstar Teacher takes the stress out of learning and enables your child to learn at his or her own ...

Learn with Video Lessons Anytime and Anywhere

One major advantage of online learning compared to traditional learning is the convenience it brings to both students and parents. In this post, let’s find out how Superstar Teacher enables your child to learn with ease and comfort! Easy and convenient learning With just a single log-in, your child can start learning through video lessons ...

Learn from Expert Teachers

It is important to evolve and adapt as technology advances. Online courses are becoming increasingly popular, which is unsurprising with all the benefits online learning can bring. Superstar Teacher is a comprehensive learning platform that embraces the use of technology to enhance and provide a seamless learning experience for our students ...

A carefree enjoyable childhood or more tuition for a brighter future?

It was discovered that many parents would choose the latter despite the financial pressure that tuition fees puts on their household. They believed that it is a worthwhile investment to help their children get into a better school for a better future prospect. The dilemma is especially real for low income families. You can now ...

Make Learning a Fun & Independent Process

In September 2018, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced progressive changes to be made to the Primary and Secondary education system over the next 3 years. Shortly after these changes were announced, some tuition centres responded that they would fill in the gap by offering simulated-exam like conditions for students to address the parents' anxieties. ...