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Is Last-Minute Revision Effective Before O Levels?


The O-level exams can be quite stressful even for the most hardworking students in Singapore. There are multiple subjects to revise for in addition to keeping up with the usually hectic school schedule. The last couple of weeks towards the exams can take a huge toll on any student’s mental and physical wellbeing. The fear and overwhelming feelings may also have a negative impact on the student’s overall performance in the exams. 

The exam pressure is also one of the reasons why most O-level students in Singapore find themselves doing desperate last-minute revisions. As a student, you will probably worry if you have done enough or if you will even remember what you have been studying on exam day from all the stress and anxiety. So, is last-minute revision effective as one prepares for his or her O-level exams?

In the last few days leading up to the exam, it is a good sign if you are feeling confident about the subject. By then, any revision can be useful to simply revisit what you have studied. On the other hand, if you are feeling unsure of yourself and rushing through your revision, this method may not be helpful especially when you are going through a wide range of topics in one go.  

With the help of good online tutoring classes in Singapore that offer Instant Homework Help and auto-marking assessments, it is possible for students to study in advance and overcome the common challenges of preparing for O-levels. Students can also avoid the panic and stress of last-minute revisions. 

Here are some useful tips on how to get the most out of your revision time. 

1. Break Down the Topics 

For starters, it is easy to remember things when you study related topics in parts instead of trying to cram everything quickly. Breaking down complex topics can make things simpler to understand and help you assimilate various concepts easier. 

2. Revise Past Year Papers

Another effective studying method is by using past year papers and study notes. Such materials help revise questions and topics that are likely to come up in the examination or test. 

From the wide selection of past year papers, secondary school students can test their knowledge, practise on their answering techniques and determine the right way to approach different types of exam questions. You can always check the questions and refer to textbooks whenever you feel less confident about a certain topic. Go over online lessons by reliable online tuition platforms in Singapore to refresh your understanding.

3. Revise a Bit Each Day

Such a revision tactic makes it easier to remember complex topics better. However, some students can have a habit of staying up studying all night before the exam day, which causes fatigue that results in poor exam performance and ultimately lower grades. 

However, did you know that the brain is usually most active when you are asleep? This is the time when the brain gathers all the information you have collected throughout the day and consolidates memory. However, if you study overnight in a panic mode, the mind gets exhausted and may not recall what you have read quickly enough later on in the day. As such, last-minute revision can do you more harm than good.  

With that in mind, be sure to set aside time to review your study notes and prepare for the exam early.  

4. Make Use of Online Tuition Platforms

Finally, there are online tuition programs and platforms available in Singapore that provide essential tools to be ready for the big exam. 

At Superstar Teacher, we provide a wide range of online courses for secondary school students including Chemistry, Math, English, Chinese among other classes. Do not wait until the last minute to revise for O-level exams. Check the available lessons on our platform today!

Let us be part of your child’s learning journey today! Do call us at 63415516 or email us at enquiry@superstarteacher.com if you have any questions.