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Unraveling the PSLE Score Range: 3 Essential FAQs for Success

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a significant milestone in the educational journey of every Singaporean student. With the recent changes implemented for the 2023 Primary 6 cohort, there have been some updates regarding the PSLE score range and the process of secondary school posting. In this article, we will address some frequently asked questions to provide clarity and understanding.

Demystifying the PSLE Score Range: Frequently Asked Questions

a. What’s new with the PSLE score range?

Starting from the 2023 Primary 6 cohort, students will be posted to secondary schools through 3 Posting Groups: Posting Groups 1, 2, and 3. These groups correspond to the existing Normal (Technical), Normal (Academic), and Express courses respectively. The purpose of these Posting Groups is to guide the initial subject levels that students can offer when they enter Secondary 1. It is important to note that Posting Groups are solely used for the purpose of school allocation and subject level placement.

b. What are the score ranges for schools in 2023?

The PSLE score ranges for each school in 2023 will be determined after the conclusion of the Secondary 1 (S1) posting process. Therefore, it is crucial to refer to the most up-to-date information released by the Ministry of Education (MOE). However, as a reference point, you may consider the 2022 PSLE score ranges available on the MOE’s website. These ranges are based on the PSLE scores and school choice patterns of the previous year’s Primary 6 cohort. It is important to use them as rough indicators rather than definitive guidelines.

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c. How is a student’s secondary school determined?

The primary criterion for secondary school posting is the PSLE Aggregate Level (AL) score. Students with higher AL scores have a better chance of securing their preferred school. However, in cases where two or more students attain the same score, tie breakers come into play to determine school placement. The tie breakers are used in the following order:

  1. Citizenship: Singaporean students are given priority over Singapore permanent residents and international pupils.
  2. Order of School Choices: The preference order of schools indicated by students on their application forms is taken into account.
  3. Computerised Balloting: If there are still ties after considering citizenship and school choices, computerised balloting is conducted. However, according to the Ministry of Education, 9 out of 10 students do not need to undergo balloting due to the effectiveness of the previous tie-breaking criteria.

The implementation of the new Posting Groups and the tie-breaking criteria for school allocation have brought changes to the PSLE score range and secondary school posting process. By understanding these changes, students can better navigate their educational journey and make informed decisions when choosing their secondary schools.

Remember, while the PSLE score range is an important factor, it is not the sole determinant of a student’s potential or future success. Education is a holistic journey, and each student’s abilities and talents extend far beyond their examination results. With the right guidance and support, every student has the opportunity to thrive and excel in their chosen path.

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