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Why is it Important to Know Your Child’s Learning Style?

Why is it Important to Know Your Child's Learning Style?

Every child is unique and learns differently. It is important for parents to know their child’s learning style in order to help them succeed in school. By understanding how your child learns, you can provide them with the tools they need to be successful learners. There are various ways to learn effectively, so it is essential for parents to figure out what works best for their child. Different learning styles can include visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. 

Each type of learner has their  own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important for parents to identify their child’s learning style and help them capitalise on their strong points. You can find out which type of learner your child is just by observing how they interact with the world around them. 

Types of Children’s Learning Styles


If your child is a visual learner, you may find that they grasp concepts more easily by seeing. This can be in the form of illustrations, diagrams, or videos. For these learners, learning through traditional methods such as textbooks and lectures can be tricky. Instead, they need to see things in order to understand and remember them. Try drawing diagrams and pictures to explain things, creating mind maps for science, and using colour coding for information. You can also find tools designed specifically for visual learners, like online learning platforms that include lots of visuals or flashcards with accompanying audio files. With a focus on their preferred learning style, your child will feel more prepared for exams and can solve problems better.


Auditory learners learn best just by listening. If your child is an auditory learner, they may have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than reading them, and may prefer verbal discussion over written communication. Auditory learners benefit from listening in class and participating in dialogues, both in school and at home. 

There are many ways you can help your auditory learner thrive, including using online tuition classes and reducing distractions. Another example is by encouraging your child to read aloud as often as possible in English and their mother tongue. Not only will this improve their reading skills, but it will also help them learn new vocabulary words and grammar rules. You can also set aside time each day for your child to listen to audio books or podcasts. 


Kinesthetic learners learn effectively by doing. This means they may find it harder to focus on one task for an extended period of time. If your child learns best through movement, you may want to try some unconventional teaching techniques to nurture their curiosity. Kinesthetic learners thrive when they can move their bodies and use all of their senses. Unlike auditory and visual learners, kinesthetic learners can retain information better through role-playing, writing and drawing.  

Benefits of Online Learning

Though all kids learn differently, there are some techniques that work well with every type of learner. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of online tuition classes aimed at primary and secondary students in Singapore. And for good reason – online learning can be an excellent method to match a child’s individual learning style with the right type of instruction. 

With Superstar Teacher, our online lessons can strengthen your child’s foundation in their studies and help them reach their potential. Our online learning platform can complement your child’s unique learning style and enable them to be confident in whatever they do. Whether it’s improving their English composition or tackling difficult science topics in secondary school, we can provide the best enrichment your child needs in preparation for national exams like the PSLE and the O Levels. 

Let us be part of your child’s learning journey today! Do call us at 63415516 or email us at enquiry@superstarteacher.com if you have any questions.